Project Aristoil
02.10.2018. 09:59:32
A mediterranean project Aristoil is being developed at the University of Split in cooperation with univerities of Athena and Cordoba, The Euro-Mediterranean Development Center and Larnaca-Farmagusta county on the island of Cyprus.
The University of Split has gathered two hundered samples of olive oils since year 2016 from the coastal areas and has been analysing them since. The focus of analisys were phenol compounds and their average quantities in relation to variety, processing, geographical origin, irrigation ...
Croatia as a partner in the project has interest in the fact that out of two thousand samples all samples from Croatia had much higher average concentration of phenol compounds per one kilogram than the surounding areas did as displayed here: Croatia 655mg/kg
Cyprus 316mg/kg
Italy 310mg/kg
Greece 461mg/kg
Project Aristoil aims to increase the market value of olive oils through an EU regulation which proclaims all oils with more phenol compounds than 250 mg/kg to have proven health benefits for the circulatory system. Based on results given by the analisys, a ceremony was held in the city of Athena to reward the best oil producers with : "Olympia Awards - Health and Nutrition 2018" reward. The prize was won by Croatian green olive oil makers : Vilim Belović from Brtonigle in Istria and Jakov Miličić from the island of Hvar . The Istrian oil contained amazing 1398 mg/kg of phenol compounds while the oil from Hvar had extraordinary levels rising to 2433 mg/kg. The award was given by one of the scientists included in the project Ph.D., M.Sc Prokopios Magiratis and the project is continuing foward.